GALILEO Os Mortos Riem Silenciosamente

2 June 2023
 Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Lisboa


Florence is a city of zombies.
This workshop presentation arose from textual interpretation and movement exercises in ULTIM’ACTO rehearsals along with a dazzling improvised composition by Mariana Lalanda who set the lines and dialogues to music.

The resulting piece is a rapidfire snapshot sequence of Galileo’s life and times that touches on human strengths and vulnerabilities as the Florentine who has dedicated a lifetime to discovering the secrets of nature discovers the most important truth of all – their own role in the great scheme of things.
With its funky combo of music, this showcase aimed to capture both the perky and the portentous faces of Galileo the Rebel, a truthteller who walked the perilous path that all truthtellers must walk.

Afonso Coutinho, André Matias, Cláudio Faustino, Francisca Pestana, Gabriel Galante, Mariana Lalanda, Sophia Gamonal e Teresa Cintra

Music composed by Mariana Lalanda
Violin: Andre

Text translation and adaptation to lyrics and music: Mariana Lalanda
Written and directed by Suresh Nampuri
Producer: Ana Sarroeira, Sophia Gamonal