INSOMNIA 3 writers in Moscow 1912-1916
November 20, 2019
Ler Devagar, LX Factory, Lisboa

Cast & Crew
Marina Tsvetaeva Arnolda Noir
Sergey Efron Jefferson Nogueira
Sofia Parnok Agnès Parlange
Directed by Tania Kumeda
Production Assistants Chiara Crisafulli & Damian Murphy
Video & Photo Helena XXXX, João YYYYY
Drama meets poetry. A staged reading of noctural vignettes about 3 Russian writers who lived, met, loved and wrote in pre-revolutionary Russia.
Switching between two apartments, the audience is led into the lives of three writers: Marina Tsvetaeva, Sergey Efron and Sofia Parnok. Feel the events, meetings and reminiscences that gave rise to one of the greatest poets of the Silver Age.
Night settles on the city of Moscow. In some apartments the windows are lit up. In others, the darkness is illuminated not by lamps or candles, but by sleepless eyes…
A narrative inspired by:
* Marina Tsvetaeva’s early poems, her collection “
* Sofia Parnok’s poems
* the prose, letters & autobiography of Sergey Efron
Remembered as one of the greatest poets of Russia’s “Silver Age”, Marina Tsvetaeva, born in 1892, was a passionate experimenter in life and language, disciplined but uncontrollable. Her mother, a concert pianist, was a highly demanding parent, while her father – a professor – was one of the founders of the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts…
Sergey Efron was born in 1893 into a revolutionary family buffeted by suicide and political struggle. A writer, soldier and aspiring actor, he met Marina one summer at a resort on the Black Sea…
In 1885, Sofia Parnok was born into a well-to-do Jewish family from the port city of Taganrog. Raised by a German governess, Sofia was always conscious of being different. A lover of opera who wrote librettos, by 1914 she had acquired a reputation more as a critic and translator than a poet. On 16 October 1914 she met Marina Tsvetaeva at a Moscow literary salon for young women poets…