Festival Internacional de Teatro de Setúbal
19 August, 2021
Lear: Mick Greer
Gypsy Queen/Lady Macbeth: Pat Butler
Hamlet: João Harrington Sena
Juliette: Inês Chora
Desdemona: Elena Vertegel
Muse of Memory: Iris Virgílio
Written and directed by: Suresh Nampuri
Set Design: Miguel Sá Fernandes
Stage Manager: Rita Baldaya
Music: Iris Virgílio
A decontextualized medley featuring some of Shakespeare’s iconic characters. The play opens in a twilight tavern called the Joker Bar, run by a crusty relic named Lear, where each evening the muse of memory plays live music. Enter a stranger, from a strange land, on the run from a ghostly presence who seems to haunt him. As alcohol is sloshed around in a cocktail shaker behind the bar, and the muse plays music from the stranger’s land of Elsinore, the resident gypsy queen walks in. She recognizes the ghost that this customer has brought with him. But the bar has its own astral secrets, the ghosts of sins long undead and women long past life. The night has only just begun. In the Joker’s Bar, everyone needs a little help.